The Colecovision was an 8-bit cartridge-based gaming platform. It sported superior sound and graphics capabilities for its time along with an unprecedented wave of quality software.
 | an archive of Coleco cartridges. (Hold option while you select a file, or it might not download properly.) |
 | Mugrat 0.1. |
Mugrat is a Colecovision emulator coded for Mac OS X by Richard Bannister. Despite the multitude of emulators Richard has ported to the Mac, this is the first emulator he has designed and written solo.
 | the Mugrat home page. |
 | Emulator Enhancer, which adds extra features to Mugrat. |
 | ColEm 1.0.1 Plus. |
 | Navigation Services (recommended for Mac OS 8.1 and below). |
 | GameSprockets (recommended for ColEm). |
 | ColEm online with Kagi. |
ColEm is a very accurate Colecovision emulator. It supports the Appearance Manager, Navigation Services, GZed ROMs, TV Mode, InputSprocket and NetPlay. It also sports great speed and compatibility.
An interesting note is that the Colecovision was actually a reduced version of the MSX computer. Coincidentally, this led to many Colecovision games that ended up being knockoffs of an equivalent MSX title, like the MSX's "Athletic Land" and Coleco's "Cabbage Patch Kids: Adventures in the Park." Also, there is a Colecovision emulator available which works with fMSX.
 | the ColEm home page. |
 | of Cabbage Patch Kids. |
 | to Marat Fayzullin, author of the ColEm emulator. |
 | to John Stiles, author of the Macintosh port. |
 | the ColEmMac 0.1 emulator. |
This version is several years old, and hasn't been updated since Marat's original release. It doesn't support sound and many games work improperly. The authors of ColEmMac have stopped supporting this application; it is included for completeness.
 | to Alan Steremberg and Brian Foley, authors of this Macintosh port. |
 | Coleco ROM Info. |
 | the MESS page. (MESS is a multi-console emulator which includes support for Colecovision.) |