The Sega Master System was an 8-bit cartridge-based gaming platform and preceded the Sega Genesis. Although superior technically to the Nintendo Entertainment System, Sega lost the marketing war and the Sega Master System was left with few titles.
However, the Sega Game Gear hardware is almost identical to the Master System hardware, and thus the games are actually compatible when used through an adapter. (For the technically inclined, the only major difference is in the video output; the Game Gear supports more colors than the Master System does, albiet at a lower resolution.)
 | SMS Plus 1.0.3. |
 | Emulator Enhancer, which adds extra features to SMS Plus. |
SMS+/MacOS is a solid Sega Master System/Game Gear emulator. It supports full sound including speech sample support, as well as YM2413 music for the few Japanese titles that use it. Support is also included for GZ-compressed ROMs, MP acceleration, InputSprocket, and some 78 different video modes. At this time it is the only SMS/GG emulator that runs natively under Mac OS X.
 | the SMS+/MacOS home page. |
 | to Richard Bannister, who ported SMS+/MacOS to the Macintosh. |
 | MasterGear 1.4. |
 | GameSprockets (recommended for MasterGear). |
 | Navigation Services (optional for MasterGear). |
 | MasterGear online with Kagi. |
MasterGear plays Sega Master System and Game Gear titles just like the original systems. This version supports InputSprocket, MP acceleration, 2xSAI/EAGLE video, RAVE mode, and GZ-compressed ROMs.
 | the MasterGear home page. |
 | of Game Gear Sonic on MasterGear. |
 | of Sega Master System Zillion on MasterGear. |
 | to Marat Fayzullin, author of the MasterGear emulator. |
 | to John Stiles, who ported MasterGear to Macintosh. |
 | the MESS page. (MESS is a multi-console emulator which includes support for Sega Master System and Game Gear.) |
 | SMS/GG ROM Info. |